Friday, March 21, 2014

Umami/ Milk & Honey/ Sephora/ Ikea and Neon Pants!

Sunday March 16th, was an interesting day. 
It was a day we had originally planned to stay inside and get stuff done around the house... and, well... that didn't happen :p

A friend had sent us an Umami Gift Card and we were really in the mood for Umami, and I figured afterwards we could maybe go to a couple other places.

So I put on my new neon pants I just got from Crossroads Trading Co, and we headed out to our favorite burger joint down the road :) Of course, as per usual, it was amazing! 

and afterwards we grabbed a Lavender Latte from Milk & Honey.

I wanted to head to Sephora and Ikea once we were done, had some little things I wanted to pick up at Sephora, and it was my first purchase (sadly the main thing I got we had to take back because it turns out it wasn't exactly what I was looking for) but yay, first Sephora purchase! 

At Ikea, we really had to rush, since they were about to close in 20 minutes. I wanted to get picture frames, so we had a specific agenda. They're not all the best of quality, specifically the cheap ones, but for the price, they are a pretty great quality vs. dollar store frames or something :p and with all the things we need to hang around the house, we really can't afford more expensive ones. So for about $50 we got 9 frames, including a poster frame and the rest are bigger then 8x10's. So in my eyes, a great deal. 
That whole night once we got home I started working on our living room wall collage and the collage in our hallway.

I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it was a long, great day, filled with little treats, and good eats, and wonderful fresh feelings.
It was a good little shopping day :)

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