Friday, August 24, 2012

An Unusual Movie Experience and a Missed Appointment

So turned out i wasn't able to make it to my doctors appointment, insurance still isn't up and going :( but i didn't find that out till i had gotten ready to go, so since i was all dolled up already we decided to take pics anyways.

On the other hand Me and Michael were finally able to see Hunger Games, and even though it was good and we both enjoyed it, the weirdest thing happened. I was soooo nervous and tense from the beginning to the end of the movie that i almost made myself sick and i was shaking like wasn't fun, and i don't know why it happened, because there are plenty of other movies i could be nervous about also all the time, but that doesn't happen to me....i mean sure i have though's symptoms sometimes, but usually its before a recital, or meeting a new doctor, or moving across the country...and even then its usually just sick to my stomach nervousness, not tenseness thats so persistent i shake like crazy.
idk it was a unusual experience even for me :p


  1. hey pretty! love the outfit, especially the bag! :)
    I haven't seen Hunger Games yet and now I'm actually a bit scared to do it! :)

    1. lol dont be scared it was a good movie, it was just a weird medical experience, i dont think it really had anything to do with the movie.
      And thank you! i love the bag its new, i got it with 2 others for myself for my birthday :) 20 bucks on Ebay :)
