Blogging. What a strange concept.
Writing ones thoughts, likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, life lessons, idea's, down for the world to see. Like a diary, but far more structured. I'm sure if someone from 100 years ago saw how we lived now, with blogging and the amount of pictures and selfies we take, they would be amazed at how self absorbed our generation is.
Then again, I wouldn't want to live a 100 years ago. Not getting into the political and living differences, but just all the things we can do in this day and age, our cars take us everywhere we want to go, and fast. Our camera's document everything we want others to see, or to remember ourselves. Our computers show us everything out there and keep us in contact with people we would otherwise never meet.
So why are we so unhappy? Were we always this unhappy in one way or another?
Self-esteem and health issues aside, just the fact that we seem to never be content with what we have, or what we have seen and experienced.
100 years ago, going to college was a privilege, and now its a requirement. A woman having a job, was seen the same way, and now when you hear of a wife not working, it seems selfish. It's a social pressure that popped out of nowhere.
Here in America, our children our fed, and educated, mostly with roof's over their heads, yet is isn't enough.
We are extremely privileged and blessed as a nation. We have come many strides through the last 100 years; it's impressive. Yet as a collaboration of people, it seems we are unhappy.
Maybe because the many ways we can discuss and broadcast how unhappy we are, and all the ways people broadcast the things they get and places they go, that makes others jealous.
It's difficult to be content, when we constantly have ads, and other people's blessings shoved in our face, with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and magazines. --sure, story's and articles can be inspiring, but sometimes, I get bogged down seeing everything people are achieving, or experiences, things that I am not, and it stresses me out. I know that's just me, and we are all made differently, but I also know I am not alone in that.
My stability, my contentedness, my peace in knowing that I have my own path and it's OK if I don't do everything, comes from Jesus.
In this day in age, I think we all struggle with this, but blogging can stress me out, not having the greatest things to share, hardly any followers, not having a niche. I tend to focus on myself a bit, whether is in a good light or not.
In a way, I think God intended for me to not be a content person, helps me strive to be better, and I'm sure there was even more of a purpose behind it. I just know, I don't always point my focus on the right things, and it tends to get me in trouble, and give me all sorts of anxieties.
I then have to take my selfish thinking, self-observed tendencies, and insecurities to God. Ask for forgiveness and lay them at the throne.
Get my focus back on the right path, be comfortable just blogging for myself, living for God, and walking his path. Knowing that his path, is the right path, and that path that will bring me the most joy, and Him the most glory.
Blogging about blogging, How Ironic.
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