Monday, March 31, 2014

Sidecar Doughnuts and Pie-Not Pie's: The Ultimate Pastry Experience.

Have you ever had a Maple Bacon Doughnut or an Australian Meat Pie, that was so good, you went back 3 times in 8 days to get more? lol well I sure hadn't until this last week.
A few miles away from us, are two little shops, side by side. One sells gourmet doughnuts and the other sells Australian style Savory Pies and baked goods. Both unique and very special in their own way. While Sidecar Doughnuts is a bit more expensive then your usual doughnut shops, Pie-Not's pies are probably one of the cheapest lunch's you can get around, (Unless you would rather have processed food from a fast food joint). So all in all its a pretty inexpensive lunch. 
We have yet to try Sidecar's Savory Breakfast doughnuts because we haven't made it there in the mornings yet, but I can tell you, we are definitely looking forward grabbing ourselves some soon :)

Sidecar is apparently also know for its Coffee, especially their Stumptown Cold brew Coffee.
Personally its not my thing, but then again I had it straight up, and I'm not 100% certain on if thats how you are supposed to have it :p

Pie-nots has more then just pie's, and plenty of options, for those who want something sweet, or even those who are vegetarian. Everything is extremely flaky and quite addicting. 
So if you're in the area, and you want a quick delicious lunch with a sweet delight after. I would 100% suggest you head on over to Sidecar and Pie-Not's on 17th St in Costa Mesa

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