Today hasn't been going so well for me so far. About an hour ago my favorite mug broke, and by favorite I mean, I didn't use any other mug EVER, because this was my mug and my mug only and I only used that mug. It's basically a member of the family to me, so nonetheless I cried, I was just trying to wash it out and it slipped out of my hand and broke into three large pieces in the kitchen sink. I've always had a problem with dishes because of my small hands and weak wrists (and the neuropathy) and we still haven't gotten soap for the dishwasher in our new apartment. lol which we really should, we are just not used to having one so we always forget.
Anyways, the only reason I'm not depressed right now is because I'm going to be achieving something on WoW (World of Warcraft) tomorrow, and yesterday I went to see my doctor, and it ended up being a great visit, and that always makes everything better for me since I am a little doctor-phobic. Although I did forget to ask if I could get a copy of my x-rays, but whatever it's not super important.
On top of a great doctors visit, even though I was in a little pain all day, I felt good and was happy, I felt that I looked good, so I was comfortable with myself, which is always a big deal. It was just an all around good day...
Doesn't seem today is shaping out to be one of those, on top of my favorite mug breaking I slept pretty horribly, there was some corn in some soup I had last night so my face was a bit puffy, and usually it wouldn't be a big problem, but my husband and I just started a new diet and before we started I was building up my allergies for two and a half weeks. So I don't really have the luxury to cheat anymore.
The good thing out of all this is we are starting a lifestyle change diet, (which just means we are making it a lifestyle change instead of a diet for a certain amount of time) and we're eating healthier now. I'm sure we will cut back more as it goes on, but right now were just cutting a lot of bad stuff out of our eating habits, especially the stuff I'm allergic too.
I simply didn't find things I used to love, and that weren't healthy for me, good anymore. I was willing to let them go. Before I was holding on to too much to be able to diet properly. Now I feel like losing weight and living healthier is more important than eating yummy stuff.
So as it is, I can splurge for one meal every two weeks, and other than that, I've cut out oats, wheat and most corn (I say most, because the only way for me to cut out corn completely is to go raw, and I just can't do that in my life right now. Corn syrup, and corn starch is in almost absolutely everything, even hot dogs, soups and a lot of other things you might never expect) plus we're cutting out soda, although I can have one Monster energy drink every two weeks. I'm not restricting myself when it comes to sugar or calories, but we are cutting back on red meats, and we are going to try and cut down the carbs, but we are starting small for now. More fruit and veggies, more lean meats, with snacks such as peanuts, cottage cheese, yogurt, and gluten free granola. Just cutting back all together, less pasta and carb-heavy meals, and more salads.
We are still working on it, it sounds very loose for now, but believe me it is a big change. One thing we aren't cutting out is coffee and alcohol, because we really only have it in moderation and both my husband and I agreed, we don't think it causes as much of a problem in our life as food does.
like I said, it's a lifestyle change more than a diet.
Back to last night, so the little bit of corn in the soup I had, threw me a bit overboard and I'm all out of my anti-histamine meds, then I had a low blood sugar at 3:30am in the morning, and since we were out of low blood sugar juice I had to drink some of that naked juice, which if you dont know, its made of all real fruit and veggies... its like if you don't have a juicer you get this stuff, along side some peanut butter... which I guess didn't mix well because when I woke up a couple hours later when my husband woke up, I wasn't feeling well at all.
so my night was pretty crappy :\
Ah well, I'm at least happy I'm able to get some blogging in today. Lately I haven't wanted to blog at all... I mean I've wanted to, really badly, but I just haven't had the inspiration or gumption too :\
so this is nice :)
Ok since I haven't blogged since December, let me think about all I need to fill you in on.
....hmmm.....well last week I was sick, which other then my normal health problems I haven't actually been sick in a long time, which is unusual since I'm (cold) sick 3 or 4 times a year and at least 2 during the winter. So it was actually a large pain in the ass that I was sick :p
but I'm mostly over it now, so yay.
New Years wasn't special at all for us, we just stayed in and watched movies and even missed counting down til midnight, although like I said, we were sick :p but I did start something called Project 365. You take a photo a day with Instagram for a year. A lot of people seem to do themes, but I'm just capturing a photo that represents my day. So at the end of the year, you make them into a photobook. I thought it would be a neat thing to try, and I hope I can keep up with it since I'm not the best at consistency. I'm going to try my best! Woot!
Here are the photos so far, I'm won't go into the backstory details here, if you want to know they're on my Facebook. Here's the first 9 days so far.
A couple days after new years we got our entertainment center up and going in the living room, It looks great and now things really feel homie, and nice. We need a cabinet or bookshelf for the movies though, they're just neatly stacked against the wall.
The place is really starting to come together. There are things we still need, and a lot of things we would still like, its safe to say the place will be a work in progress for a long time, but for now everything works quite well :) if you look above, picture 6 if the entertainment center.
Oh and I almost forgot, here are some of the pictures from the photo shoot we had at the beach on Christmas eve, the first two and the one at the top of the post are retouched, then I did a collage at the bottom of some of the rest since we did get a lot of good ones. The second one is pretty grainy, only because it was dark out at that point and there was only so much re- touching i could do to fix it, at least on picmonkey, but I loved the picture.
I LOVE this picture of Michael and I, it's so going to be framed in our new place :)
So other than all that the week has been pretty slow, I'm sure you can tell by what I said that I got back on WoW last week, and have been doing things there most days, but nothing else has been happening. I'm hoping we can make it back to Universal Studios this month since we have free passes, we haven't just because we are either forgetting we have passes or don't have the date money since we still need money for food and parking. We decided we're going to try and have a date night every month so I'm hoping this month we will head over there.
Coming soon on our calendar my court disability hearing will be on the 23rd, not much else is going on ATM, but I'll try and let y'all know if something happens :)
So sorry for how long the post is and if it was confusing in anyway... I mostly write what comes out of my head so sometimes it can be scattered :p
Thanks for reading, 'til next time. Happy 2013 Everyone!!!
Wow! Sounds like life has been busy...lots of ups and downs and the whole lifestyle change diet seems like it's gotta be tough! <3