Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Long Overdue Doctors Visit

The overdue doctors appointment was today, I haven't seen my doctor since march. Took me a long time for a few reasons, but I finally had to see her since all my prescriptions were up. Which for a diabetic isn't so great, thankfully the nurse practitioner signed off for enough insulin until I was able to get in with my doctor :)

It was a well needed visit but I was nervous out of my mind, my health hasn't been great and I had a list of problems to talk to her about, thankfully I was able to get a appointment at the end of the day so I could get as much time with her as I need. The visit went great, I got all my prescriptions filled, most my questions answered, some dosages and meds changed and thankfully she is really taking an interest in my health, because I'll be going back in a week, and maybe every week after that for a month or so to get things under control.

I'll also be getting blood work done in a month, and I got X-rays done after the appointment, because I'm having some trouble with my knee, and even though I have scoliosis, I seem to have an abnormality with my spine at my neck area... it may be from bad posture for too long, and it may be worse, but it is something that I am freaked out about, and needs fixing. So in both situations please pray they find something, I know most people pray that they don't find something, but I've been through a lot of health stuff and the most frustrating thing to go through is a bunch of tests and all come back normal, so they don't know what to treat, and/or they think you're lying about having problems.
Actually, not finding anything after tests is the second most frustrating thing, the first is doctors thinking you are lying or complaining about completely real problems. 
*sigh* but thankfully thats where my wonderful doctor comes in, she knows all-to-well how one problem leads to another and how my problems really are serious, she is the best!
and I am very blessed to have a docter that, even though is very high in demand, still has time for me and all my problems, and cares for me also. I've been through so many hospitals, emergency rooms and doctors... and 85% of the time, im been treated like trash while dealing with the medical staff... I'm not trying to be judgmental, I'm only trying to explain my experience, so you might understand why I'm a little doctor-phobic.
So finding the woman who is my doctor now, is very much so a blessing!

Hopefully I will have more news on my health next week, and that it will all work out and I will get help with the things that need fixing :) all-in-all it was a good day!

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