Monday, April 30, 2012

Songs of the Month, and Thoughts about doing a Media Highlight of the Month.

So im going to start doing a monthly highlight blog post, where i will highlight a song or song's (up to 3), artist, and movie for that month (just my opinion of course, so it will include old things) im thinking once and awhile ill throw in a show or something....anyways any thoughts???

When i start doing this they will all be apart of one blog, just in different sections. since i hadnt decided to do this until a few days ago, i pretty much already posted my movie and artist highlight for the month earlier (which if you didn't read them, they were - Florence + the Machine, and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

So here is my song's of the month of april -
Sail - by - AWOLNATION
BURN IT DOWN - by - Linkin Park
and i was going to put We Are Young - by - Fun, but the new Florence + the Machine song for Snow White and the Huntsmen came out yesterday, and i think that trumps it.
so check it out!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tattoo's. Likes, Dislikes and Wants

Time to talk about Tattoo's.
I've been thinking about getting a body-wide tattoo. No disrespect to anyone, but I find that most people who have a lot of different tattoos in different areas that cover there body just look not well put together and...weird. I'm an artistic person, I'm all for tattoos, especially body-wide ones, but I feel like they should flow. Things should work together, be in sync, while sometimes scattered tattoo's work, a lot of times it doesn't look artistic and it just looks like clutter. But lets not forget the category of tats that are just soooooo awesome, but you would never get them, im sure everyone has seen tats like that.

I'm going to point out two other things I dont care for. 1.) Neck and upper chest tattoo's. I do like a few I have seen, I have an example below, but a lot look very overwhelming and cluttered, it seems like it is a very popular place to get a tattoo, but honestly, I feel like its a mistake, its like your wearing a permanent turtleneck/ shirt, which then looks crappy when you want to wear a dress or a nice shirt, anything other then a plain shirt. So I know its for some people, but I find it unflattering, just not my cup of tea.
2.) Symmetry. Now I'm not a fan of symmetry, I feel like it can be very unartistic, deff not ALL the time, but a lot of the time, it's boring.
I am not saying any absolutes, I am not talking about ALL these kinds of tattoo's so
please don't take offense, this is my blog and my opinion, you don't have to agree.
btw i am mostly talking about Women, i don't have a defined view of man with tats.

So far I have one tattoo, its on my hip and its small, its a memory/symbolism tattoo, but its mostly hidden so I would be able to do a body tattoo around. if it was on my wrist, chest, neck, tramp stamp, that would be diff unless I did a bodywide tat that would integrate into it. 
but, thankfully it is hidden, and i dont have to worry about doing something similer on the rest of my body.

This is the tattoo I already have. Of course the blue rose is a bit brighter.
I got this tattoo on the last day of my honeymoon, the date is when I got married and Blue Bird symbolizes my husband who I would call my blue bird every so often because of his blue eyes.

Below are some of the tats I love. Now what I'm actually thinking of doing on me, I've explained a few, but also I'm thinking of getting a bow tramp stamp, a big one, I love bows, and I think it would be adorable, and flattering.

I would love to hear your thoughts about the pictures I've posted below, faves, dislikes, etc!

Now I would like to showcase some Tattoo art that I admire and love, just pictures I have found, I hope to post more later because these are just my most recent finds, but you can kinda get a sense for what i like.

1: This is one Neck/Upper chest Tat that is beautiful!

4: Pretty amazing work.

5: I'd want this, I would get it just a bit thicker though.


7: Told my husband he should do something like this but with motherboard or robot underneath :)



11: White ink is so interesting, opens up a whole new door :)


13: I think this is Beautiful!

14: I love snow white, i thought this was pretty cool

15: This is prob my fave wings tat iv seen so far.

16: UV tat :) 


18: My other body wide tat that I've been thinking of getting is something like this all over but without the flowers

19: This is an example of symmetry that I like






Saturday, April 21, 2012

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Finally watched Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I have to say i am thoroughly impressed with Rooney Mara and the plot. i love twisty movies, most movies are incredibly predictable to me, so i tend to go for the thrillers (although i do like all movies types, im a pretty big movie buff). This movie has some twists, great acting, and the plot is not too confusing. At first your not sure whats going on, but everything gets cleared up real nice and its pretty easy to follow. I can def say i am looking forward to the next two movies. Some very gritty scenes that i though would turn me off of the movie completely a couple times, but payback was over the top with sweetness. don't mess with a girl who knows her way around a computer :p
Its been almost 24 hours since i watched it and i am thinking about watching it again.
I would give this movie 5 stars our of 5, with the plot, the acting, everything was pretty well done, after watching it i cant remember anything i was disappointed with.
For though's who like Murder mysteries and thrillers, and can handle a few cringe worthy scenes, i would def say go watch this movie!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Forever Florence and other Taste's

I love this woman and the music she has brought forth! I Believe other then ADELE she is one of the most talented woman artists of this time. she doesn't repeat things over and over like a lot of popular artists, she has deep and meaningful lyrics, i have to admit, sometimes i don't understand what they all mean, but she brings creativity to her songs. Its not just a good beat while singing "all the single ladies" over and over. :p no offense to all of you who like Beyonce and her repetitive songs.
But for mer her music has gotten me through many hard times and has given me joy and a multitude of other emotions every time i hear her songs, i hope she never gives in to pressure to become normal. The loud noises, the heavy beats and the base in her songs are almost allways amazing! some are be a bit tribal and most will pull you into a trance if you let them flow through you.
Her new CD was good, but there are many of her first songs that will always belong in my heart.
my favorite my always be Swimming and Howl. Swimming was only on the deluxe edition of Lungs, so for though's who haven't heard it i strongly suggest you look it up, and listen to it with head phones so the base can resinate through your body. 
I really hope to one day see her in concert. Her songs and her words are very powerful i can only imagine what it would be like live in concert.

I a huge music fan as im sure most people say, i dont only enjoy florence or music just like hers, i like a lot of artists and genres. the only music genre i dont care much for is country music, i cant stand the twangy sound nor the topics they seem to always talk about.
i love soundtracks, my favorite classical artist is Ludovico Einaudi, i will most likely write something about his work down the road, but lets just say, i couldn't stand how boring classical music was (other then soundtracks) until i heard his stuff, i wouldn't suggest all of it, at least not at first. but if you would like some suggestions on what to try out just let me know :)
moving on, i also used to be really into rock music, i used to listen to three days grace, and Linkin park and a ton of others all the time, Linkin park is still my favorite band.
and i also love alternative and indie music, i listen to a pretty wide variety of things, like Noah and the Wale, Norah Jones, Fiest, Coldplay, Ellie Goulding, Agnes Obel, Imogen Heap, and many more.
and then there is the Pop/Electronic/Dance Genre :)
which of course i do listen to anything with an amazing beat.
but i do always love - LMFAO, Rihanna, David Guetta, i hate to admit it but i do like most of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlakes stuff, hey i said i liked florence for being different i didnt say i hate all things with a little repetitive stuff :p anyways, Usher, Pitbull, Kesha, and a lot of others.
I used to like Lady Gaga, but that was before her stuff became generic and like every other pop song :\ 
I do like her older stuff though.

so thats a little taste into my music library...minus all the soundtracks and specific songs i love :p

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weight, Self Esteem, and Health Problems.

So everyone talks about how losing weight isn't easy, and i completely agree, and im not trying to make excuses but losing weight with everything i have on my plate is even worse :(

iv been working on the Atkins diet, which is only 20 carbs a day, i started march 1st, iv gone down 10 pounds, and my goal is to loose 40 more if not 50.

the problem is, exercising is tough, with my back the way it is, it effects my neck and hips and can really get tweaked out of place by doing stuff, i'm working on power walking around my house, but thats about it.

Its also hard because since i don't have a job, and i'm pretty much alone all day doing nothing but chilling on my computer or phone, you would think i have time to do things, but like i said, with my back and joints, also my metabolism is pretty slow and my energy levels are really low, it can be difficult to push yourself to get up. i'm going to be looking back into some homeopath stuff to get my energy levels back up.

so im hoping that will help.

But lets not forget that on top of that, diabetics have a much harder time at loosing weight then most because insulin helps store fat, which means the less insulin the better, which means no carbs....sounds easy right? wrong, i have a carb addiction, it is a real addiction like any other addiction (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes). you crave carbs like nothing else, and its hard as hell to break, like im sure other addictions are too. i can splurge every once and awhile, but until i kick the addiction, splurging...never goes over well, and since people don't take this addiction as seriously as screws people up.

it sure has screwed me up. its once thing to love food, its another to crave it, to uncontrollable eating junk, to constantly be thinking about it all the time

to a lot of people, i'm sure this sounds stupid. but its not...i am allergic to wheat corn and oats...but i love them all. and the allergy to wheat is growing within the US and people don't even know they have it sometimes, it can cause many different problems within your body.

anyways back on topic, with all that and like i said the insulin problem, you have to also understand that controlling your blood sugar is key to loosing weight, and i have never been good at that, with help. and i try, i do very much so try. but stress will spike your blood sugars and i stress out about a lot of things.

so even if i find the will to stay away from food thats not good for me, and muster up the energy to exercise, i still have the problem of stress, and stress as you all should know, comes in many forms, from many places.

ever since i gained weight, my self esteem and bottomed out, and it doesnt help being a fashionista serounded by beautiful woman who get tons of hypes, and loves on there pics and the only thing you can think is, they must not like my pics because im overweight...that in itself can cause stress.

BUT! to everyone out there that has a physical, internal health problem or just has trouble loosing weight....its not impossible, it may have taken me 5-6 weeks, but i did loose 10 pounds. all i did...was actually get fed up with being this size, actually trying...because the goal isn't to be perfect at the diet your doing, its to at least try, wont get anywhere if you keep giving yourself excuses to go off your diet, like "oh its the weekend, i can give in for a bit" or "its a holiday, i must splurge" yea i say go for it, but once you make a couple splurges, its hard to stop.

make goals, set a weight goal, give yourself a splurge, don't say your going to splurge on such and such a day. but actually plan out how much carbs or calories your willing to give into every day, or on a specific day.

when you have that one thing to look forward to, its easier to focus and work harder.
if you don't its easier to give in when something u cant have looks good.

for example, 1 dove dark chocolate is 5 carbs, if your on Atkins you can do 20 carbs a day, so you can decide to have one or 2 chocolates a day, and it gives you something to focus on and enjoy, so your NOT depriving yourself.

Im not going to sit here and give you a bunch of words of encouragement on how beautiful you all are no matter what weight you are and all though's blanketing statements.

what i will say is that, if you don't love who you are now, whats stopping you from becoming who u want to be? not saying your not perfect, god made us all in his image, but we can ruin our image by what we put into our bodies, were not all meant to be skinny super models, men aren't attracted to that anyways, i know a lot of real guys, that look at those stick thin girls and go...there not real, why would i want that, a few have even told me, "there is nothing to hold on to, it would be like cuddling with a skeleton" so please don't feel insecure in yourself when you weigh 5-10 pounds over your perfectly normal friends.

But keep in mind, if you wanna loose weight, if you want to get healthier, it is within your grasp and your grasp alone, no one else is going to do it for you.

Everyone's walk with weight loss or self esteem problems is different, even health problems.maybe not for you, but for me, when someone says to me they understand what im going through, i feel a bit insulted, because to a certain degree someone can understand another person and what there going through, but for me...with having a lot of health issue's, unless you have gone through all the problems i have, and even someones life problems effect things, so unless you have gone through those things, no you don't understand, and saying you do comes off as your belittleing my problems. im not going to sit here and tell you i understand what your going through, but if you have felt the way i do about the subject, then to a degree i do understand how it feels, when your problems aren't taken seriously

im not saying telling someone you understand what there going through is a bad thing, just be careful how it comes across, iv had a lot of people i know who havent had hardly any health problems say to me things like "i know what your going through, it must be hard, but you seem to be handling things fine, so hey at least your doing good" or things like " sorry to hear you were in the hospital, i was in the hospital last week for the flu (or something to that extent) so i know what its like"
I think you get my drift :p

i think its just hard for most people who are healthy to understand what people with health problems go through.
Just know, i know what its like to feel inadequate, to feel fat, and ugly, and like you don't matter, to feel like your problems dont matter, to feel belittled, and a lot more.

You're not alone.

I hope someone gets something out of what i have written, if anyone even reads this :p if you have read this i would be greatly honored to hear what you think about the subject or what i have said.

Thank you all for bearing with me.


....Gosh i only planned on leaving a little post on my weight loss woes and ended up ranting about a bunch of things. Silly me :

Sunday, April 15, 2012

And the Bunny's Come Out

Finally putting up my easter outfit. and i also want to introduce you all to someone.
Willow, aka BunBun, aka Bunnymuggins.
Me and my husbands Bunny.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday Morning Breakfast, and Thoughts on Cooking.

So i hate to cook, my back just cant handle it and my body runs real hot, so me standing in a hot kitchen is like the last thing i ever want to do. I do like to bake though, and thinking about putting a recipe page up on my blog, because i do have some creations that me and my hubby agree, are pretty amazing.
other then that, i can make things when pushed but the one thing i am good at.
Cheesy Eggs/Breakfast Scrambler :)

P.S. making eggs with whipping cream is pretty good. 

The Things that Tie a Princess to her Prince

The Rings.
Me and my husband don't like things very plain, we like things different, and we were also
on a very low budget. I fell in love with my ring before we got engaged and thankfully it only cost 700$
Michael's on the other hand cost 80$, i would say it was a steal!
The ironic thing is, and we didn't plan this at all, im very good at logic and puzzle, and i got him a puzzle ring, he is a eagle scout (graduated boy scout) and he got me a knot ring.
very fitting wouldn't you say?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Whims of the last few months, with a comment on today.

So today has been a great day, let me start off with a hearty hello to anyone that might see this.
im looking forward to blogging about my life, feelings, travels, fashion and otherwise and i would like you all to know then im friendly, open and would love to know what you think so please feel free to leave comments! other words, i dont bite :p

hopefully soon i will get a page to show off my wedding album, but i find working the pictures around difficult so ill have to work on that later since i was having a hard time with that.

Anyways today instead of getting on WoW like we do any day my hubby has off, we just kinda flowed with where the day took us and we spent most the time in bed, talking and laughing and doing some computer stuff, but it was only tweaking out blogs and such...had a great shower and a Great nap :)
and what do we come upstairs to find? well why my mother made hamburger soup for dinner for us yay!
with a cheesy veggie twist to how she usually makes it too, its really good.
its always nice spending a day connecting and having fun with your husband.

anyways to continue to update blogger with my recent wears. here is a pic of what i wore for new years. and a few other pics of a few things i wore the last couple months.
i formated it out originally for pose, thats why the extra showcase pics.

New years 2012

This one was on St. Pattys day 2012.

This would be when i went blonde in march. I actually didnt plan on doing this i actually was just dying my hair to color it a diff color. but it actually turned out nice, so i kept it for 3 weeks.

Valentines day 2012.

after the blonde i went red, it was more the color of the one above but i like this pic :)

One for the Wall

A collage i made on my phone of my phone photography/Pose pics, though it was cool looking as my lock screen.